Sunday, May 31, 2015
15 Male Fertility Facts
Men generally regard fertility problems associated with virility or masculinity. In the view of society, men are considered male if it can engage in sexual activity and could have children. Fertility itself is not that simple. Here are some questions about the fertility of men and facts.
Is riding a motorcycle or bicycle will affect male fertility?
Fertility is strongly influenced by reproductive hormones. The body is awake physical and psychological health will certainly produce better reproductive hormones. Hot workplace environments, for example, will affect the quality of sperm. Similarly, the sitting position for too long. Some studies reveal that men who work and sit in a room with high temperature, sperm quality will go down. This means, if you have to ride a motorcycle for a long time, efforts are made to maintain the health condition of the body by exercising regularly, eating a balanced nutritious diet, and maintain healthy lifestyles.
Does exercise make sperm to be active?
So true. According to the study, men who frequently exercise endurance (endurance), such as cycling, swimming, marathon regularly, 2-4 times during the week, have faster swimming sperm than men who rarely exercise.
Diana Vaamonde, Ph. D who did research on the subject explains that the man who diligently exercise will stimulate the production of testosterone which is needed to obtain the seminal fluid and sperm cells healthy. But excessive exercise performed was not good for sperm quality, do regular exercise in 3-5 hours a week, divided into several training sessions.
Is sex every day would make his wife pregnant fast?
Sex every day is not a solution quickly so that his wife was pregnant. Sperm life cycle of approximately 24 hours. If lovemaking is done every day, the next day issued sperm becomes less good quality. In addition, fuck that aim to reproduction should be done when your wife entered the fertile period, that is the phase where the eggs will be retrieved from the ovaries as egg plant.
Is the time to make love affect sperm quality?
Sperm quality is largely determined by the quality of the health of your body and not by the time of sex. But the time to make love very decisive easy or tidaknnya passion rise.
Men are generally easily aroused after the 14:00 hours. Why? because after these hours of relaxation hormone in men is higher. Likewise, women, generally difficult passionate if sex is done between the hours of 08:00 to 10:00 due to the high levels of the hormone melatonin will inhibit arousal. But there is no time limit for sex. Sexual intercourse can be done at any time, which is important your partner agree.
Will I be able to know the quality of sperm from a sperm color?
Semen is a fluid produced by glands in the male genital tract. Cement, besides containing spermatozoa, also contains a number of nutrients, enzymes, and fructose which serves as a medium for sperm swim before reaching the cervical mucus. Normal semen generally colored grayish-white or slightly yellowish.
To determine the quality and quantity of sperm, the laboratory examination should be done, because the color of the cement does not specify the amount of sperm that contains or otherwise. But the color of cement is an indicator of health, such as cement that became a reddish color indicates the presence of something or wound so that the blood fluid into the cement. If that happens, immediately consult a physician.
Is it true that pollution affects the quality of sperm?
According to some studies, air pollution and factory fumes containing tin nitrogenoksida and trigger a decline in sperm quality. This will be very influential, especially in men who work more than six hours in highly polluted areas. According to Dr. Michele De Rosa from Naples University, men who work over 6 hours in polluted areas have fewer sperm less, move more slowly, and has a shape that is abnormal when compared to men who live in rural areas were minus pollution. But whether this effect is only temporary, is still doing research.
Whether certain foods will make the sperm more fertile?
Quality of food will greatly affect the quality of sperm. Vegetables, dark green generally contain folic acid that functions in the metabolism of your body as a whole and affect sperm quality. Likewise nuts containing minerals and zinc will improve the quality of sperm. Foods containing vitamin E are also very useful for male fertility. Protein-rich foods such as oysters, lamb, turkey, wheat, beans, red meat, nuts, avocados, bananas and almonds also can boost sperm production.
Is it true mutton add strength to sex?
Goat meat is a source of food that is rich in protein and iron, and other minerals that are needed by the body. Goat meat is also a food that is afrodsiak or excite, but not as big as imagined. Sexual power that arises after eating goat meat is a psychological effect that is embedded in the male brain.
Do certain foods can determine the sex of the child?
Some studies reveal that the consumption of food can influence the sex of the baby. However, most nutritionists advised that diet sex of the baby should not be excessive and disproportionate because side effects can interfere sufficiency and balance of energy is needed fetus. Moreover, the success of this method is very low.
Is smoking and drinking alcohol will make me infertile?
Contained in a cigarette for approximately 4,000 toxic particles, which can enter into the testes of a man through the blood vessels. The poison will make a reduced sperm quality. For example the number to fewer sperm movement will be slow or not moving, and the shape will experience a disability. Dangerous fro the problem is the DNA of the sperm that disrupted so make pregnancy problems such as a miscarriage, fetal defects, and can make the baby's growth obstacles.
Does stress affect fertility?
Indirectly, stress will affect male fertility because stress releases hormones kotisol of the body. This hormone will directly affect the work of the sex hormones that will work in the male reproductive system. Just like women, excessive stress in women will make the menstrual cycle becomes disrupted.
Is fatigue can also make sperm tired?
Sperm quality is strongly influenced by the health condition of the body, both physical and psychological health. Physical fatigue condition continues, more or less will make the balance of the body's metabolic disorder.
Sperm quality will be affected by the hormone testosterone, while these hormones work will be disrupted if the body is experiencing fatigue in a long time. Of course, other factors also affect, for example, nutritional foods you eat and exercise habits routine. To that end, bisasakanlah maintain health and nutrition.
Are there specific diseases that affect fertility?
Some metabolic diseases will certainly affect the quality of male fertility. Eg diabetes (diabetes mellitus), renal failure, and chronic heart disease.
In the sugar disease sperm quality will be affected. Likewise, the quality of erections someone will be disrupted if these diseases are left.
How percent of fertility problems are problems of men?
Infertility or subfertility is a condition-where the couple not to have babies after getting married within a year with regular sexual intercourse without contraception. In such conditions, infertility is 50 per cent longer due to the wife. In the case of the treatment course, both sides have to undergo the examination.
What should I do if no children?
Not to have children after marriage a year, is a condition that requires you and your wife for treatment. Generally, doctors will perform a quality check of sperm. If the sperm quality problems, the doctor will usually refer kandugan husband andrology expert doctor to find out the cause of disorder and treat it.
dr. Febriansyah Darus, SpOG
Edited articles and has been published in the supplement Mother & Baby
Father & Baby July 2012
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